
What method is used to fixed dental implant and how much does it cost?

Author: Nha khoa Đà Nẵng Implant
Ngày: 09/12/2023
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What is the most effective method of fixed dental implant today? How much does treatment cost? The article below will answer patients’ frequently asked questions about fixed dentures.

1. What is fixed dental implant?

Currently, the most advanced method for fixed dental implant. This technique restores lost teeth by implanting titanium posts into the patient’s jawbone. Then, the doctor proceeds to attach the porcelain tooth to the abutment using an abutment joint.

Fixed dental implants are a remarkable progress in modern dentistry. This method does not invade natural teeth and has high reliability and rich aesthetics. After implant placement, patients can eat and communicate as normal.

Dental implants help preserve real teeth

Dental implants help preserve real teeth

With high safety, dental implants can be performed at many different ages. However, doctors recommend the following subjects to consider before treatment:

  • Pregnant women.
  • People are suffering from infection in the tooth loss area.
  • People who have had radiotherapy to the jaw area.
  • People with dangerous chronic diseases such as heart disease and blood pressure.
  • People with uncontrolled diabetes.
  • Heavy drinkers and smokers.

Ideally, patients should go to a reputable dentist to get advice and examination from a doctor before having a fixed dental implant.

Doctors at the dentist advise patients before treatment

Doctors at the dentist advise patients before treatment

2. What is a fixed dental implant using a porcelain dental bridge?

Another method for permanent dental implants is to make a porcelain dental bridge. This technique includes two parts: dental abutment and dental bridge. The pillar has a supporting role and is made up of two or more real teeth that have been ground into small pieces. If real teeth do not meet the requirements for an abutment, the doctor can perform an implant. Then, the dental bridge is fixed on the abutment to help fill the missing tooth space.

There are 4 main types of fixed tooth implantation using porcelain bridges:

2.1 Fixed tooth implantation with traditional porcelain dental bridge

Healthy teeth on both sides of the tooth loss area will be selected as abutments. Then, the doctor grinds these teeth down and attaches a porcelain bridge on top. Porcelain dental bridges are modeled after the shape and size of real teeth. Fixed dental implant using a traditional porcelain dental bridge is the most popular technique.

Fixed dental implant using traditional porcelain bridge.

Fixed dental implant using traditional porcelain bridge.

2.2. Fixed dental implant with Pass porcelain bridge

The method of fixed dental implant using a Pass porcelain bridge is usually only used for front teeth. Dentists often only use one real tooth as an abutment, so the stability is not good. If applied to molars, strong bite force will affect the pillar teeth.

Porcelain dental bridge

Porcelain dental bridge

2.3. Fixed dental implants with veneered porcelain bridges

Fixed dental implants with porcelain veneer bridges do not invade the patient’s natural teeth. Instead of grinding the teeth, the doctor uses a metal or ceramic bracket glued to the back of the abutment teeth.

However, this technique has the disadvantage of poor bearing capacity, easy to fall when chewing vigorously. Therefore, the suitable location to make a porcelain dental bridge is the front teeth. In addition, people with bite problems should not use this form.

Fixed dental implants with veneered porcelain bridges

Fixed dental implants with veneered porcelain bridges

2.4. Planting a porcelain dental bridge with an implant post

If the patient’s natural teeth do not meet the requirements for permanent dental implants with porcelain bridges, the doctor must implant implants into the jawbone. On the other hand, this technique is suitable for patients with many missing teeth, both limiting natural tooth grinding and saving the cost of multiple implants.

This method is a combination of implants and porcelain bridges

This method is a combination of implants and porcelain bridges

3. Is it better to have fixed dental implant or porcelain bridges?

There is no optimal method of permanent fixed dental implant, the doctor will prescribe a treatment method appropriate to the patient’s condition. Below is a table comparing two forms of implants and porcelain bridges:

 Fixed teeth with implant postsFixed tooth implant with dental bridge


Implants exist independently and do not invade or damage real teeth

The two teeth adjacent to the missing tooth must be ground down to serve as “support pillars” for the bridge


High aesthetics like real teeth, difficult to change color

Relative aesthetics depend largely on the skill of the doctor


About 20 years, can last forever if teeth are taken care of properly

Shorter (from 7 to 10 years), due to the jaw bone disappearing, causing the dental bridge to shift

Complications may occur

Infection in the implant area or the body’s allergy to the titanium post leads to a rejection reaction

Risk of pulp damage at the site of small, long-term grinding teeth leading to tooth loss


About 15 – 20 million/tooth depending on the type of implant

Cheaper than implants

Dentistry needs to clearly explain to patients all treatment costs

Dentistry needs to clearly explain to patients all treatment costs

If financially qualified, patients should choose a fixed dental implant method with implant posts to limit bone loss. This is the direct cause that affects the bite, distorts the mouth… reduces the aesthetics and chewing ability of the patient.

4. How much does it cost to have fixed teeth with implants?

Below is the full price list of fixed dental implant services at Da Nang Implant Dential Clinic :

CategoryPrice (VND)Note

Trụ Dentium (Korea)

14.000.000 VND

10 year warranty

Trụ Euroteknika (Frace)

19.000.000 VND

15 year warranty

Trụ Nobel Active (USA)

29.000.000 VND

Lifetime warranty

All-ceramic teeth on Implant (replace porcelain – titanium teeth)

+ 2.000.000 VND


Ceramic abutment (replace titanium abutment)

+ 2.000.000 VND


Restoration captures vis directly on the Implant

+ 2.000.000 VND


Plastic temporary teeth on Implant



PMMA temporary teeth capture vis directly

500.000 VND



40.000.000 – 89.000.000 VND

Price depends on the type of pole used.


120.000.000 – 170.000.000 VND


144.000.000 – 204.000.000 VND

Closed sinus lift

5.000.000 VND

Price applies to 1 location

Open sinus lift

10.000.000 VND

Bone graft

5.000.000 VND

Price applies to 1 Implant

PRF membrane grafting

5.000.000 VND

In some cases, doctors need to prescribe minor surgery before placing fixed teeth with implants for patients. These minor surgeries include:

  • Sinus augmentation: helps increase the volume of the upper jaw bone, meeting enough height, density and volume to perform dental implants.
  • Bone grafting: helps increase bone density in the dental implant area to the required level.
Dental surgeries always ensure high safety

Dental surgeries always ensure high safety

These minor surgeries directly increase the cost of implants – the biggest barrier that makes it difficult for patients to access this method.

5. Which dental clinic is reputable for permanent dental implants?

Whether fixed dental implant or porcelain bridges, patients should choose a reputable dentist. In Da Nang, Da Nang Implant dentistry is trusted and chosen by many patients. Our service has the following advantages:

  • A team of excellent doctors with extensive experience in dental implants.
  • Modern machinery and equipment of international standards
  • The clinic space has only 1 treatment chair, private and comfortable
  • The sterilization process ensures patient safety.
  • Dedicated and thoughtful service attitude, closely monitoring the patient’s condition
Providing quality implants at Da Nang Implant Dental Clinic

Providing quality implants at Da Nang Implant Dental Clinic

Every year, we perform hundreds of fixed dental implants and all are successful. Below are some typical treatment cases of Da Nang Implant Dental Clinic:

Lower jaw implant using All-on-6 technique

Lower jaw implant using All-on-6 technique

Fixed teeth in both jaws using implants

Fixed teeth in both jaws using implants

Restore upper teeth with implants

Restore upper teeth with implants

6. Frequently asked questions about dental implants

6.1 What is the best method to implant fixed teeth?

Fixed dental implants or porcelain bridges are popular methods today. If you have the financial means, implants will be the most optimal, helping to limit bone loss and enhance chewing ability. On the other hand, you can choose to make a porcelain dental bridge to save money and get aesthetic teeth in the fastest time.

6.2 In what cases cannot a fixed tooth be planted with an implant?

The following subjects should not have fixed teeth with implants:

  • History of myocardial infarction, cerebrovascular accident
  • Heart valve replacement (using anticoagulants)
  • Hemophilia
  • Currently undergoing cancer treatment
  • Mental disorders

To ensure safety, patients should go to the dentist to be examined and consulted directly by a doctor.

6.3 Are permanent dental implants for the entire jaw expensive?

In case the patient loses all teeth, the doctor may prescribe treatment with the All-on-4 or All-on-6 method. This is a fixed tooth implant technique using 4 or 6 implants to serve as support for the porcelain crown. These implants are implanted into the jawbone at pre-calculated positions to ensure the ability to load the fixed teeth later. Treatment cost is about 120 - 200 million VND.

With the motto “start from the heart”, dentistry is always enthusiastic and dedicated to patients. Doctors closely monitor the process before, during and after dental implant placement to ensure effectiveness and safety. For free consultation, you can contact the dentist using the information below:

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