Full-porcelain crowns treatment is a dental technique to restore the aesthetics and chewing function of damaged real teeth by teeth made entirely of porcelain.
Full-porcelain crowns
2. Indication
Broken, missing teeth due to tooth decay or accidents.
Discolored teeth due to antibiotics, fluorosis, long-term smoking.
Teeth that have undergone root canal treatment.
Worn, chipped teeth.
Deformed teeth in shape.
Full porcelain crowns have high aesthetics
3. Advantages and disadvantages:
High aesthetics: Full-porcelain crowns can perfectly reproduce the color and shape of real teeth.
Good chewing function: Full-porcelain crowns are processed at very high temperatures, so they are as durable as real teeth.
Time saving: The performance time of 3 appointments lasts 3-5 days.
High cost: The price will vary from 3,000,000 to 7,000,000 VND per unit depending on the type of porcelain you choose.
Real teeth grinding: To place porcelain crown, the grinding of teeth is necessary to create space.
4. The process:
1st appointment:
Examine and assess the damage.
Take X-ray film to check the damage around the tooth root (if any)
Carry root canal treatment (for teeth that are damaged to the pulp causing pain and swelling around the tooth) or filling to restore crown (for teeth with only external damage)
Grind the teeth so that the dentures can be placed on
Use special silicone used in dentistry to take impressions of teeth, send to the laboratory to make dentures.
Grind teeth
2nd appointment:
Test the frame to ensure a tight fit to the teeth
Mark the positions that are not close enough, then take impression again to proceed with editing.
3rd appointment:
Teeth final test, request for changes in color or shape (if any).
Permanently attach the restoration after you are satisfied with cement
Final restoration with perfect fit
5. Cost
3,000,000-7,000,000VND per unit depending on the porcelain you choose.