The period of tooth replacement (usually 6-12 years old) is an indispensable part of every child’s life. Depending on the looseness of the baby teeth or the age of teething, teeth extraction is performed.
The period of tooth replacement (usually 6-12 years old) is an indispensable part of every child’s life. Depending on the looseness of the baby teeth or the age of teething, teeth extraction is performed.
2. When and why baby teeth need extracting?
Baby teeth looseness: It is necessary to have early tooth extraction because the root of the tooth is gradually disappearing.
The age of permanent teeth eruption: Permanent teeth grow from the position of the baby teeth roots; therefore, baby teeth need removing to create space for permanent teeth. There are many reasons why baby teeth have not been loosened (they erupt late causing slower tooth replacement; or the permanent teeth grow in the wrong position, do not destroy the roots of baby teeth). It is necessary to take X-rays to determine the location of the permanent tooth germ then decide extract baby teeth.
Tooth decay: It can be treated with fillings or root canal treatment with less decayed case. In case of severe caries causing swelling or abscesses, baby tooth need extracting to avoid spreading infection.
3. Why baby teeth should not be early extracted?
Baby teeth should only be extracted according to indications, avoid early extraction because:
Losing teeth will reduce chewing function, affecting children’s development
Baby teeth are responsible for “keeping room” for the permanent teeth to erupt in the right position; therefore, early extraction will cause the wrong replacement of permanent teeth.